It’s been a women-history themed month for both my non-fiction and fiction reading with Wendy Moore’s Endell Street: The Trailblazing Women Who Ran World War One’s Most Remarkable Military Hospital and Old Baggage by Lissa Evans. Endell Street: The Trailblazing Women Who Ran World War One’s Most Remarkable Military Hospital , Wendy Moore (Atlantic Books, 2020) This is a fascinating and well-written account of the work of doctors Flora Murray and Louisa Garrett Anderson who treated war casualties during the First World War, first in France and then in London where they established the military hospital at Endell Street. The women had both been active in the militant suffrage campaign – Louise Garrett Anderson had spent a month in Holloway for window breaking. It’s a remarkable and inspiring tale of how the women and their all-female staff overcame prejudice against women doctors and medics – for example, that men would not wish to be treated by women, that women couldn’t perform...